Social media chat with the cast of ‘WONDER WOMAN’ and advance screening giveaway (Philly, Pa area)

Happy Thursday MMT Fam! I am very excited to share audio from a press conference and Q & A with the cast of the highly anticipated film WONDER WOMAN.

Cast members Gal Gadot (Diana Prince/Wonder Woman), Chris Pine (Steve Trevor), Robin Wright (General Antiope), Danny Huston (General Erich Ludendorff), Connie Nielsen (Queen Hippolyta) and director Patty Jenkins sat down on May 21 to share their thoughts and experiences while working on the project. Hit the play button below to listen to the full interview.


Now many of you who follow MMT on Facebook, and me on either Instagram or Twitter, already know I have been waiting…a long time… to see this movie! Unfortunately for the “wonder woman/girl” in me, and fortunately for the Motown lover in me, I will be previewing Motown the Musical on the film’s advance screening night! But don’t cry for me, because I plan to be at the movie theater, top row center, on June 2 when WONDER WOMAN opens nationwide.

However, I am going to send 25 lucky “active” (those who share/comment/like) subscribers a special invite to view “Wonder Woman” in my absence – and welcome each of them to email me their thoughts after viewing so I can post and share with everyone. Although, if you’ve been reading the critic and fan reviews out thus far, you know folk are raving and calling this the best DC extended universe (DCEU) comic film so far!

If you think the above “active” description fits you, and can travel to King of Prussia, PA on a Tuesday night, send me an email to with the subject line “I’m active!” and your full name in the body. I will select 25 winners and send them a special code to download a pass to next Tuesday’s (May 30) event.

You can check out the latest trailer and synopsis of WONDER WOMAN below and get additional information at the official website

Good luck!



Before she was Wonder Woman, she was Diana, princess of the Amazons, trained to be an unconquerable warrior.   Raised on a sheltered island paradise, when an American pilot crashes on their shores and tells of a massive conflict raging in the outside world, Diana leaves her home, convinced she can stop the threat.  Fighting alongside man in a war to end all wars, Diana will discover her full powers…and her true destiny.

Warner Bros. Pictures presents, an Atlas Entertainment/Cruel and Unusual production, “Wonder Woman.”  The film is scheduled for release on June 2, 2017, and will be distributed worldwide by Warner Bros. Pictures, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company.

This film has been rated PG-13 for sequences of violence and action, and some suggestive content.







  1. Hi T

    My daughter got passes from wizard world

    So please remove my name from the contest entry.

    Thank you looking forward to the sleep over for IT

    Sent from AOL Mobile Mail


  2. Thomasena

    We have an extra wizard world pass for to see Wonder Woman at the Riverview Wednesday

    If you want it its yours

    Please let me know

    Sent from AOL Mobile Mail


  3. I love me some Wonder Woman.
    However, I think this movie was a little to long in getting its point across. There were some screen that could have been removed. I am still trying to understand how they landed in America or with the ship when there was not loophole etc. Plus there was a screen where the stunt double was more noticeable than need be.

    Over all I would give the movie about a 2.5 -.3 out of 5

    Liked by 1 person

What are your thoughts?