MMT Quick Review of ‘Maleficent’


What’s up MMT Family.  So, I debated whether I was going to give a quick review of the new Disney film Maleficent, especially since I gave a less than fair review of “Blended” last week and didn’t want to do two in a row.  Yet, there are a couple of things I dug about this film and, although I’d still rate it almost fair, I figured I’d share.

So for those who don’t know, “Maleficent” is Disney’s new 180 million dollar interpretation of the Sleeping Beauty story from the villainess’ viewpoint.  Maleficent, played delightfully by Angelina Jolie, is given an extended background and we learn what causes her to become the dark character we’ve come to know via the fairytale.  Now if you’ve seen the trailer, the movie appears to be extremely dark and spooky, and there are some elements of the former which causes the PG rating. However, spooky it really is not, and the movie has several spots of humor as it progresses.

My first problem with the film is that there was some inconsistency with Maleficent’s display of power. Now I don’t want to do a spoiler so I’ll just say, for example, pay close attention to the very first battle scene compared to the last after a long-lost “item” is returned to her.   She also was able to conjure and enchant relativity easy at times, versus towards the end when it would have made more sense.

With the extravagant budget, I expected to see more powerful and original fantasy and CGI images; however it kind of ended up like a “Fraggle Rock meets Lord of The Rings” inspired revision.  And it also wasn’t lost that Maleficent’s evil origin began with the loss of a love, similar to Disney’s 2013 fantasy adventure “Oz: The Great Powerful.”  I think there are other messages we can send our girls Disney, but I digress! LOL 🙂

I will say that, about midway through the film, I became pretty much invested in seeing how the story would play out.  I think that many people will enjoy watching Angelina Jolie in this role, although the story isn’t as tight as it could have been.  But, it’s a Disney film, with a great lead, and it stands to do well at the box office. I don’t think it will be the summer takeover film Disney wanted though.

Check out the trailer below and stop back and let me know your thoughts of the film if you see it!

Until next thought family, Thomasena


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